New Life Maplesville
Sunday Service
What to Expect
If you are visiting on a Sunday morning, you can expect to find a casual, friendly atmosphere. Arrive a little early to fellowship with us. If you have any questions on what we believe as a church, how to get connected into our activities or ministries or any other general information questions, our friendly volunteers will be able to help you.
Our worship is a time to give praise and thanks to God. Our music style is classic hymns intermixed with contemporary worship. It is our prayer that during this time you would connect with God and give Him the praise and thanks He deserves!
If you are a parent, please know that at New Life we care about your children. It is our desire to partner with you in the discipleship of your children and to encourage them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ each day. Children, six years old and under, are welcome to join the New LIfe Minis during our service time. There they will receive age appropriate lessons and activities that alighn with the sermon topic for the day. Nursery is available as well.
Each week, Pastor John brings a message from God's Word. Our staff is available to pray and discuss the sermon material with you following the service and throughout the week. We encourage you to bring your Bible and something to take notes with. You can also find sermon notes and scripture on the Bible App under the events tab.
Connect Cards
When you attend a service on Sunday morning, you will receive a Sunday Service Bulletin. In it you will find a Connect Card. We encourage you to fill out the card and leave it with the Pastor.
It is our heartfelt prayer is that you feel welcome at New Life and that your experience leads to a stronger relationship with Jesus Crist.